Breast Biopsy in Rochester, NY

Core biopsy enables our physicians to diagnose findings detected on mammography, ultrasound, or MRI. This procedure is designed to save women from undergoing unnecessary surgery. In addition, it is relatively painless and minimally invasive, making it a faster and less traumatic alternative to traditional surgical biopsy.

Elizabeth Wende Breast Care (EWBC) is proud to be the first to introduce stereotactic breast biopsy (1993) and MRI breast biopsy (2003) to our community, and it has developed ultrasound breast biopsy technology over the last 25 years. 

Please inform your breast imaging specialist of any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are currently taking. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, and blood thinners such as Coumadin or Plavix. Some of these medications may need to be temporarily stopped several days before your biopsy. Also, provide your physician with a list of known allergies and include if you are allergic to local anesthetics, epinephrine, tape, latex, or betadine.

  • After our technologist has positioned you and has performed the necessary breast imaging, the physician will locate the area to be biopsied.
  • Your skin will then be cleansed with an antiseptic, and the biopsy area will be numbed.
  • A tiny skin incision will help the biopsy device easily enter the breast. You may feel pressure as the device is positioned, but most women report feeling little or no pain.
  • Multiple tissue samples will be taken for microscopic examination to study the makeup of cells. As the samples are collected, you may hear a hum, beep, click, or a vacuum sound.
  • Your radiologist will insert a tiny titanium marker or clip at the biopsy site so that its exact location can be easily identified in the future. This marker poses no health or safety risk; you will not feel or notice it after placement.

MRI-guided breast biopsy: An IV will be inserted into your arm so that a contrast agent can be used to see small details in the breast tissue.

Stereotactic breast biopsy: You will be lying face down on a special biopsy table. Your breast will be placed in an opening on the table.

Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy: You will be lying on your back. A gel is typically applied for ultrasound imaging.

  • Pressure will be applied to the biopsy site to help prevent bruising. This usually takes only a few minutes.
  • A steri-strip or adhesive gel will be placed over the incision, and you will be provided with a cold pack to apply to the biopsy site. In some instances, a compression wrap bandage may be placed around the chest to minimize the chances of swelling or bruising.
  • A gentle mammogram of the biopsied breast will be performed to confirm the placement of the marker site.

Most women resume normal daily activities within 24 hours following their procedure. Your breast imaging specialist will contact you after receiving your biopsy results and provide any necessary follow-up care instructions.

More than 80% of all breast lesions identified for core biopsy are diagnosed as benign or non-cancerous and present no health risk to the patient.

This page is intended as an educational resource only. It is not a substitute for professional care.

Please see your physician if you have any concerns about your health.